Hey I am Predrag

I am a curious and motivated 21 year old electrical engineering student from Jelasnica, Serbia. I feel a great passion for problem solving and always chase perfection. I code regularly ever since my high school and see coding as a way to solve many problems in physics and electrical engineering.


  • Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Belgrade Oct, 2018-Present
    Third Year, Signals and Systems, 9.31/10.00 GPA
  • Gymnasium "Svetozar Markovic", Nis 2014 - 2018
    High school - class for gifted students in physics and natural science


Memory game N Queens


  • "Svetosavska nagrada za doprinos obrazovanju" 2013
    The Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia

  • Various awards from State contests and Serbian Olympiads in physics and mathematics 2011 - 2018
    Some of them:
    • 3rd prize, Serbian Physics Olympiad 2018
    • 1st prize, National physics competition 2018 A category
    • 3rd prize, Serbian Physics Olympiad 2017
    • 3rd prize, National physics competition 2017 A category
    • 1st prize, National physics competition 2016 A category
    • 3rd prize, National physics competition 2015 A category
  • "Nova Niska elita" award, Rotary Club Nis 2018


  • Java
  • HTML 5
  • CSS 3
  • JavaScript
  • C++